Monday 9 March 2015

Distance makes the heart grow fonder

Sometimes I wonder if social media has made my life better or worse. I have lived abroad for 15 years and have found social media a great way to keep in touch with friends who no longer live in the same city as myself. For the people I met that do not use social media, they are no longer a part of my life but still remain in my memories. For those that choose to update their friends via status updates and selfies, I sometimes wonder if they are doing it for us or for themselves.

Much research is being conducted on the anxiety of using Facebook. According to Marissa Maldonado (2014), studies have shown that using Facebook ‘makes people feel inadequate and generates stress and worry’. When we see photos of our friends living lives that we wish we could also lead, how could it not lead to feelings of inadequacy? Well – I have lived that life and I am here to tell you that a picture may tell a thousand words, but sometimes those words are like a mask. Just because you see that great vacation photo and that smiling family does not necessarily mean that paradise has been found.

Obviously the above video is not real (made by the HigtonBros) but it does highlight the fact that just because someone posts something, it may not be the whole truth. We all modify our lives on social media. From choosing which photos to post, which to omit, which parts of our life we write about, and which we don’t, we all do it. I would never post a photo of myself that I did not show me in a good light and I bet many others think the same way.

So when you catch up with old friends on social media, remember that it can never replace the warmth of a smile, the comforting words, or the sound of someone’s laughter. It is a tool to help stay in touch but it should never replace your physical company. So, if you are wondering should book that plane ticket to go visit that friend you have not seen in years, just do it!  Besides, you can always post photos of your fabulous trip on Facebook afterwards.


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